Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Altered project

I'm back after a long break and a wonderful holiday in Hawaii. It sure has taken some doing to get me back in the groove of being home and into a routine of "things to do" but slowly I am getting back at it. I missed doing the challenges and my crafting. And so for a altered project for a challenge over at  Joans Gardens we had to use a recycled box, preferably round, color theme my choice, lace, and use pearls and flowers. So I think I got it covered. I used a Macadamia Candy can. Added MS paper. Glued on some May arts flowers and the pearls are in the centers. With the weather so warm and spring like I just had to go with an Easter project. Added a curly wire for a make shift handle and it's done.  Hope you like it!!

1 comment:

  1. Sadie, what a cute idea! Beautifully done for Easter. I love it!

    Thanks so much for joining us at Joan's Gardens for our weekly challenge.

